New Virtual Assistants - DON'T make these mistakes!

Oct 16, 2024

New Virtual Assistants - DON'T make these mistakes!
Virtual Assistants / Remote Work

We’ve all done it at one point or another… Saying yes to every task from a client, or doing things outside of our contracts to please the client. It happens to the best of us, even me! Especially when you are first starting out as a virtual assistant (VA). 

Being a virtual assistant can be a very rewarding and fun journey, but just like any new venture, it can come with its fair share of challenges to overcome. 

Here are some of the biggest mistakes I made at the beginning of my VA journey, and some tips on how you can avoid these mistakes. 


Boundaries Are Your Best Friend


When I first started as a VA, I did not set ANY clear boundaries for my clients. I found myself answering client’s messages late at night, and even on the weekends, about different work tasks. 

I was pretty much “on call” for them whenever they needed me.


This led to a blurry work-life balance and also left the door open for clients to take advantage of this because I wasn’t setting boundaries for my business.

Something had to change...

Look, the whole reason I wanted to become a VA was to be my own boss and do things MY way. So I began to set boundaries in my business and stuck to them, even when it was tough to do so. 

Set clear boundaries in your business from the start. Inform your clients of your working hours, and when they can expect you to reply during that time. This gives you more peace of mind in your business to have set working hours, and time for yourself too. 

Clients will respect your business rules when you make them known from the beginning, and it also helps maintain more long-term client relationships. 


Stick To The Contract


There definitely came a time when I was saying “yes” to a bunch of different tasks, and extra work, that was outside of the agreed-upon contract with my clients. This can be tempting to do, especially starting as a VA, you want to do everything your client wants and needs to keep them happy. 

But is this making YOU happy?

I learned the hard way that saying YES to every task, extra project, etc. leads to becoming overwhelmed and burned out. 

It’s not worth it! 

Instead, remind the client that certain tasks are not in the signed contract, and feel free to re-review the contract with your client so that everyone is on the same page. This sets clear boundaries and communicates with your client the scope of practice they hired you for in the first place. 


Charge What You’re Worth – Don’t Sell Yourself Short!


One of the biggest mistakes I made as a VA was lowballing my prices for clients. When I first started, I would set my prices way lower than I was comfortable with. I thought this would help me get more clients, but instead, it led to me being underpaid and overworked. 

You know your worth!

Set your rates and don’t let ANYONE lowball your services. You know how much effort, time, and quality of work that will be delivered to the client, so remember to stand firm and trust your instincts with your prices. 

The right clients will come along who’ll respect your business and want to hire you for the rate you set. 

Patience is key!


It's all part of the process


Making mistakes in your VA business is going to happen. Learning from those mistakes is what will help your VA business grow and thrive. I’m grateful for the mistakes I made in the beginning because they helped my business grow to where it is now. But the good news is that you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did!

By setting clear boundaries, working within the contract guidelines, and charging what you are worth, you can build and scale a successful VA business where you aren’t overworked and taken advantage of. 

Take control of your business, and remember this is YOUR business. You get to set the rules and change them too!

If you want to become a VA...


If you have been thinking of becoming a Virtual Assistant, there truly hasn’t been a better time to start! More businesses than ever are turning to freelancers and virtual assistants today.


You can turn the skills you already have into a service-based business, work from the comfort of your own home, work with clients you genuinely enjoy working with, and have more freedom than a regular 9-5 job. 


As someone who’s been in the game for 8 years, I can tell you - it’s a pretty fun gig!

If you want to learn how to become a virtual assistant, you CANNOT miss this free training I created for you. I deep dive into the world of freelancing, tell you how I started my virtual assistant business, and give you the absolute BEST tips for getting started and finding clients.

Want me as your coach? Join my online course, Virtual Freelancer Academy, where I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know and give you all the tools you need to succeed as a VA (just like I've done for hundreds of students just like you).


Have more questions? Message me here