Your complete roadmap to becoming a successful virtual assistant and starting your own VA business.



Have more flexibility, set your own schedule, and work from anywhere with an internet connection (hello travel girl era!).


Increase your income potential, work with multiple clients, increase your rates when you feel ready, and work with clients around the world.


Be completely independent, have control over your workload, decide what clients to work with, and start living a life that prioritizes YOU.

You've seen it everywhere... people becoming virtual assistants, quitting their jobs, travelling the world, and making a SH*T ton of money working from their laptop.



Before you lose your spark, let me tell you a secret...

I spent years stuck in a job where we are unhappy and underpaid, simply because I thought that was the only option. I didn't fit into the standard 9-to-5, hustle-and-grind, strive for a corner office kind of life. I wanted autonomy, to sleep in if I felt like it, take a vacation longer than 2 measly weeks, and, yes, make more money.

If you're anything like I used to be, you probably feel...

  • Overworked and underpaid.
  • Frustrated thinking that more freedom isn't the cards for you.
  • Stuck with no way out.
  • Tired of doing the same thing everyday, and having a life that revolves around your job.
  • Stressed thinking about having to do this until you're 65.

If that sounds like you, you're not alone and you're not crazy to think that you can have something better. The time, geographic, and financial freedom that comes from freelancing and being a virtual assistant is unmatched.

It is the only side hustle I tried that allowed me to leave my 9-5 job, hit that $100,000/year goal, start travelling full-time, and start living a life that prioritizes me and my family. Now I'm here to teach you everything I've learned in the past 8 years of being a successful VA/OBM, and scaling to 6-figures from the comfort of my own home.

Most people who want to do this get stuck in the "how" part. I get it, it's overwhelming trying to figure everything out on your own. That's why I created VFA.

Imagine being able to make a decent income, but still have the freedom to actually live your life...

It took me 5 months from the time I decided to start freelancing to the day I handed in my two-weeks notice to start travelling full time. Becoming a virtual assistant allowed me to...

  • Quit my 9-5 job. The income I make as a freelancer and virtual assistant replaced my 9-5 income (and eventually tripled it), so I was able to say "Bye, Felicia" to my corporate job.
  • Work from ANYWHERE in the world. As long as I have my laptop and an internet connection clients don't care where I'm working from. I've travelled to over 25 countries and lived the nomad life for years, all while still making a full-time income.
  • Scale to a 6-figure income. Being efficient at my 9-5 job meant that I got more work (but no raise). Being efficient as a freelancer means I can take on more clients, and make more money. Realizing this allowed me to hit $100,000/year before age 27.
  • Own my own business. Having my own business gave me the freedom to do what I want and how I want it. Plus, building something of my own made me proud and excited to get up every day and do it.
  • Set my own hours and schedule. I get to negotiate my hours and schedule with clients. I can take a 10am yoga class, do my groceries on a weekday, and schedule my doctor's appointment whenever I want without worrying about asking anyone for permission.
  • Start living a life that prioritized ME and my family. No more living my life around my 9-5, no more Sunday Scaries, no more waiting for the weekend. Something as simple as freelancing game me my life back so I could start actually living every day.

It's also the little things... slow mornings, being free to travel as much as I want, organic groceries, walks mid-morning, self-care and spa days, taking the day off during that time of the month, working in my PJs, preparing a fresh lunch instead of eating out of a Tupperware... that's the real flex.

You deserve to live your life like this too. Let me show you how to do it the RIGHT way. 


Your step-by-step guide to becoming a successful virtual assistant and online business manager.

Price: USD $2,597

I am so excited, and I wanted to share with you that your course has brought me here landing my first client in less than 2 weeks! Thank you! It was just a dream to work remotely 2 weeks ago and now it’s becoming a reality! [A week later, she sent an update] I am 2 for 2! If everyone writes proposals the way you teach us in your course, I think it might be a guarantee! I’m so excited to get the ball rolling, or that the ball is rolling! How exciting! Yay!

— Gina H.

About the Course:

VFA is a step-by-step, go-at-your-own-pace online course where you'll learn how to start freelancing, become a virtual assistant, and run your own online business from your laptop. I created the course I wish I had when I first started, covering everything I've learned in the past 7 years that allowed me to scale to over $100,000/year as a VA.

I designed the course so it applies to people from most backgrounds, and show you how to pivot the skills you already have into your business. Current students come from background like healthcare, teaching, administration, marketing, project management, accounting, legal, as well as college students and SAHMs. The lessons cover information for both beginners who are starting from zero, and established virtual assistants who are trying to scale.

I teach you in detail how to choose a profitable niche, create a brand and set up your business, price your services and create service packages, find clients, run the business, and scale to 6-figures. You'll also learn in-demand skills like social media management, online course management, e-mail marketing, and other high-value skills I offer my own clients. Three experts share information on protecting yourself legally, dealing with taxes, and invoicing clients. I also deep dive into using platforms like UpWork, my strategy for landing jobs, and how to avoid bad clients.

Current students have landed their first clients in as little as two weeks.


I don't half-ass anything I do. That's why I've created THE most complete VA & OBM course you'll ever need. Whether you are starting from absolutely ZERO or trying to scale your VA business to new heights.

You'll have access to everything.

Price: USD $2,597


What's included:

100+ Lessons

Over 100 lessons including 16+ hours of video lessons, screen-recorded tutorials, guest lessons, and downloadable assignments teaching you everything you need to know, step-by-step. There's no fluff, just straight to the point tips and strategies to help you succeed fast!

20+ Done-For-You Templates

Your website, service packages, proposal, welcome pack, and basically everything else you need so you don't have to do it yourself - saving you hours of work and helping you look professional. Add your branding (which I teach you how to create) and you're done!

Accountability Check-Ins

You're not alone in this. I check in on my students periodically to see where you are at, help you if you are stuck, celebrate your wins, and give you feedback. Plus, it's a nice little push to keep you accountable in case you like to procrastinate ;)

4 Full Courses

When you enroll in the VFA Bundle, you get access to: the Virtual Freelancer Academy, the Virtual Assistant Professional Bootcamp, the UpWork Blueprint for Freelancers, and the Legal & Tax Lessons.

Legal & Tax Experts

I brought in 3 experts (a legal guide, a tax attorney, and a CPA) to walk you through everything legal, business registration, taxes, and contracts covering information for both US and Canada.

Client Sneak Peek Interview

I interviewed one of my highest-paying clients. We chat about what they look for in a VA, what convinces them to hire someone, and their tips for new VAs who are starting out.

6 Months of Direct Support

Students get access to me and my team via e-mail to ask any questions and get individualized support and feedback directly from me. Want someone to check your portfolio? Prices? Niche? Ask away!

You also have the option of upgrading to include a one-hour live call with me.

Free Future Updates

The world of freelance changes, and VFA changes with it! As an active VA, I keep up with trends and make sure the course is always up-do-date with the latest information. As a Bundle Student, you are grandfathered into the course and get access to these updates instantly.

Lifetime Access

You have lifetime access to all course content, lessons, and templates. The course is completely self-paced, so you can go as slow as you need to fit it into your busy schedule.

I was 4 months postpartum when I was having anxiety about returning to work (even though I had at least 8 more months) - YAY Canadian parental leave. I've never bought any online courses before so I was hesitant to invest in it. Vivian's Virtual Freelancer Academy hit the nail in the head with setting up the foundation. You can't skip this! She does a great job at walking you through the basics and providing different additional points of view. The fact that you can interact with other students and even get feedback from her... is the cherry on top. I'm so grateful to be able to have the choice to stay home when I want and maximize the time with my little family. Thank you, Vivian.

— Jen P.


VFA student and new mom who left corporate and is now working from home making $50/hour.

What You'll Learn & Course Curriculum

Virtual Freelancer Academy


Intro to the course and welcome from Vivian.

Module 1: Intro to Freelancing & Mindset

The foundations. Understanding the freelancing industry, your business mindset, confidence and imposter syndrome, and setting your business and financial goals

Module 2: Defining Your Services

Pivoting your current skills, types of VA services and specializations, choosing a profitable niche, packaging and pricing your services

Module 3: Getting Set Up & building Your Brand

Technical set up, build your brand step-by-step, creating a website (with templates and tutorials), social media set up and bootcamp, creating your welcome pack.

Module 4: Finding Clients & Pitching Your Services

Defining your ideal client, client search strategies, the discovery call, creating your proposal, the on-boarding process

Module 5: Working with Clients & Running the Business

Attracting good clients and avoiding bad ones, setting boundaries and expectations, client management and organization, asking for testimonials and quotes, invoicing clients and getting paid, off-boarding clients.

Module 6: Scaling to 6-Figures

Raising your rate, going full-time and how to prepare, hiring a team and outsourcing tasks, my six figure VA secrets.

Module 7: Technical Training

A series of lessons and additional screen-sharing tutorials on how to use some of the tools mentioned throughout the course.

Client Interview

A written interview with one of my own clients where I asked them what they look for in a VA, what makes them hire someone, who they avoid, and much more.

Virtual Assistant Bootcamp

Module 1: Getting Ready

Welcome and intro to the course, what virtual assistants do, tips for continued growth.

Module 2: VA Admin

Light data analysis in excel, working in bookkeeping and invoicing systems, using communication apps, file management, and inbox management.

Module 3: Social Media Management

Intro to SMM and strategy, doing market research and understanding your client's audience, faceless posting, planning and scheduling content for clients.

Module 4: Content Creation

Creating posts in Canva, creating Reels and TikTok's for clients, hashtag research, writing social media captions.

Module 5: E-Mail Marketing

Intro to email marketing, using popular email marketing tools, designing emails and workflows, writing e-mail copy for clients.

Module 6: Project and Task Management

Managing projects and tasks for clients, using popular tools, scheduling tasks and creating processes.

Module 7: Online Course Management

Helping clients manage their online courses, creating a course, creating a landing page, back-end support, managing student enrollments

Module 8: Making More Money

Tips for increasing your skillset to increase your value as a freelancer so you can raise your rates.

The UpWork Blueprint


Intro to UpWork and understanding the platform

Step 1: Picking and Validating Your Profession

Choosing a profession based on your background, researching the profession to validate it and understand the market for it.

Step 2: Creating & Optimizing Your Freelancing Profile

Step-by-step tutorial on how to optimize your profile so it attracts clients, drafting a profile description with key components, creating your packages and building specialized profiles.

Step 3: Searching for Clients and Avoiding Scams

My process for searching for jobs and vetting the clients, what to look for and what to watch out for, additional search tips and badges.

Step 4: Finding Clients & Pitching Your Services

Creating a proposal the right way, components and what to include, a proposal template as well as examples of my own proposals that have landed me clients.

Step 5: The Interview and Sealing the Deal

How to prepare, what to say and what to ask, what to do after, and the on-boarding process.

Step 6: Getting 5-Star Review

Asking for testimonials, avoiding bad reviews, and dealing with a bad review.

Step 7: Getting Paid

How UpWork Payments work, escrow accounts, disputes, preventing non-payment, setting up to get paid.

BONUS: UpWork's Paid Membership, is it worth it?

I review UpWork's paid membership perks, share my experience using the paid membership, and share my thoughts on who would benefit and who wouldn't.

Legal & Tax Expert Guest Lessons

Module 1:Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Taxes for Canadian Freelancers and Virtual Assistants with Kelly Tuohey

Registering a business, tracking expenses, proper invoicing, preparing for taxes, GST, business licenses and insurance.

Module 2: How To Create a Strong Legal Foundation for Your Virtual Assistant Business in Canada with Corinne Boudreau

Business structures, business registration, legal implications of being a contractor versus an employee, contracts, protecting yourself, privacy policies, hiring other contractors.

Module 3: Tax and Legal Necessities at Each Stage of Business with Braden Drake (USA)

Getting registered, business names, determine entity and filing articles, your EIN, business license, tax basics, bank accounts, bookkeeping system, paying taxes, contractor agreements.

Is it really worth it to spend the best years of your life working a job you hate just to pay the bills?




Your step-by-step guide to becoming a successful virtual assistant and online business manager.

Price: USD $2,597

It was my fiancé that sent me one of your TikTok videos to watch that started it all. I’ve been looking into becoming a VA for a while, but it wasn’t until you announced that you were launching your course that I really considered taking a course on it. I watched your Free Virtual Assistant Coaching Session, then talked it over with him and decided to invest in my potential career as a VA. It’s been a month since I completed your course and guess what… I landed my first client! There’s so much value, knowledge, and expertise in this course. There was one activity of yours that made me realize how much value I can provide as a VA, and I was honestly shocked when I went through all my work experience in the past years. Without a doubt, everyone can learn from this course. The tools, knowledge, and resources are there for you. You just need to commit and do the work. Thank you, Vivian, for putting this course together. No regrets with this purchase! And I’m looking forward to the day I land my 2nd and 3rd client!

— Khrystyne C.

About Your Instructor...




I'm Vivian, your coach and mentor on all things remote work and online income. I am a business graduate, and corporate dropout who decided to quit her soul-sucking job to become a full time freelancer and travel the world. For the past 4 years, I've been making 6-figures a year as a freelance virtual assistant working remotely from my laptop. I've been able to build my dream life of freedom, travel as much as I want, and scale my income faster than any 9-5 job would have allowed me to. I've found joy in being a solopreneur, and helping others find that same joy is my ultimate passion. I wholeheartedly believe that anyone else can do what I do, with the right guidance. So I built this online course to teach YOU exactly how to start and scale your freelance VA business the same way I did. This course is the best thing I've ever created and I am SO excited for you to dive in and use all of my tips to build the dream life you deserve.




We've got A's for your Q's

Who is VFA for?

Anyone wanting to learn how to start freelancing and become virtual assistants. If you're a SAHM and want to start a service-based business that you can run from home. If you're looking for a side gig to make extra income. If you're an office professional or someone with a 9-5 job that can be done from a computer, and you're looking to leverage those skills into a freelancing business. If you're resourceful and have taught yourself skills that could be sold as services to clients (for example, administration, social media, web design, bookkeeping). If you are a beginner starting from zero, or if you're a VA and looking to scale. Basically anyone with a drive and desire to control their own time and income potential.

What is freelancing? What's a VA?

A freelancer is a self-employed person who is not committed to one company, one business, or one employer. Instead, you offer services to clients independently. This means that you have complete control over your earning potential, your working hours, and how much or how little work you take on. Also, you have control of how fast you grow in your career, as opposed to depending on an employer to decide when you are ready for a promotion.

A Virtual Assistant is a type of freelancer that focuses on administrative services. They help their clients run their business by taking care of their day-to-day. The specific tasks you do depend on your niche, specialization, and client but all generally fall under "admin".

Is this course for VAs only?

Nope! The strategies I teach can work for any freelancing profession including accountants & bookkeepers, social media managers, creative freelancers, office professionals, data analysis and more. The focus is on VAs, but you can use the same strategies for any other freelance profession. I have personally freelanced as a virtual assistant, social media manager, blog writer, and marketing manager.

What if I have no prior experience?

No problem! I walk you through every step of starting your freelance business, from finding your niche, packaging your services, coming up with a price, finding and onboarding clients, running client interviews, and even moving to full time. In the bootcamp, I teach you the skills you need and that you can offer clients. So, even if you feel like you have no skills to offer, I'll teach them to you!

How long is the course?

There is no set length since it is 100% self-paced (with support for those who need it). There are over 100 lessons including 16+ hours of video content, and lots of homework. You can go at your own pace, re-watch lessons as needed, and work on the course on your own schedule. On average, it takes students between 1-3 months to complete (but this depends on your schedule).

How long do I get access to the course?

Forever! You get 6 months of direct support from me and my team to ask questions and get feedback, but you have lifetime access to the course content.

When will I see results?

This 100% depends on you, so I can't give you estimates or guarantees! Your results come from the work you do and how you use the tools you're given. Many students have landed their first clients in one month, and some have landed clients in as little as two weeks. Again, no guarantees as it depends on you. Check out some of the student testimonials below for more student success stories.

Is this course for people in the US and Canada only?

Nope! The course is applicable to anyone regardless of where you are located, as everything we do is online! We have students from all around the world including North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and more! The Legal & Tax expert lessons are done by experts from Canada and the US, so the information in those lessons will be specific to those countries, but the general topics are still useful for anyone.


I am overwhelmed with the amount of support and positive feedback I've received from my amazing students over the past year! I have coached hundreds of students so far through my online courses, digital products, and various programs. From SAHMs who want to work from home, to corporate girlies looking to escape the rat race, to college students looking for a side income, and so many more!

Check out some of their testimonials below...

"As someone who has taken the full VFA, there is no way anyone wouldn’t learn ABSOLUTELY everything they needed to become a successful VA with your course. And a successful VA at the very minimum. Because really with what I’ve learned I could end up “virtually” anywhere!"


- Kelsey D.


"Before joining Vivian’s course, I was very lost on where to start. Thanks to VFA, I have gained so much clarity on how to start and how to shape and structure my business and skills. Vivian is also very responsive to my concerns and questions, and makes this journey believable and possible for anyone. Thank you, thank you!!"


- Laura C. 


"Thank you so much for such an awesome course! Thanks to your help, I was able to book 3 clients only 8 days after starting a profile on Upwork. This morning I woke up to my first five-star review!"


- Karen T.


"Your VFA course provides so much valuable content – you really do get your money’s worth!"


- Rachel L


"Already landed a client!! And got my asking price. So freaking excited!"


- Miranda G.


"I just got hired by a firm!! Thannnkkkk you!!!!!"


- Jasmina B.


"I’m almost done the course, and I’ve already lined up two discovery calls! First is on Wednesday! I was able to get these through this VA Instagram I setup while still working on the course. [Two weeks later, she sent an update] Just sent my first contract!! We’re starting with some email management/organization along with going through her client list and making a master email list for future newsletter!!"


- Samantha M.


"Vivian you have honestly inspired me to leave my profession as an educator. I bought your course about 2 weeks ago and I honestly feel so confident about the decision I’m making. This is truly a course that’s worth every penny!"


- Steph G. 


"Just landed my second paid client and I couldn’t have done it without the help from your mini course! THANK YOU!!!"


- Ioana 


"Before I even finished the course, I technically got my first client! I’m SO excited I could cry!!!"


- Sailor D.


"If you’re thinking twice about getting this course just do it! It is the most thought out and thorough class that anyone could have! It truly game me the confidence to start a career in virtual assisting!!"


- Brynn N.


"I am so excited, and I wanted to share with you that your course has brought me here landing my first client in less than 2 weeks! Thank you! It was just a dream to work remotely 2 weeks ago and now it’s becoming a reality! [A week later, she sent an update] I am 2 for 2! If everyone writes proposals the way you teach us in your course, I think it might be a guarantee! I’m so excited to get the ball rolling, or that the ball is rolling! How exciting! Yay!"


- Gina H.


"Vivian’s course is not only super informative, but it is also well-designed, easy to understand, and very practical. I used the strategies Viv recommends and started receiving interest within a week of starting the course!"


- Karen T


"This course gives you everything you need to get started. As someone that needs to have everything planned and feel like I know what I’m doing, this course does all that for me. It answers all my questions and it makes you believe in yourself a little more. I love how it’s not just what needs to be done but how you can turn skills that you didn’t think were big into something and make you confident in it!"


- Destiny W


"Ever since I found you, you’ve continuously given me the confidence I’ve needed to believe that I can take on more on the side and I’m ever so grateful for you. I hope you know how much value you give to others :’) and if you haven’t heard this enough, please always kow you have people who’d lives changed because of what you’ve offered/given."


- Janine O


"I was just offered my first VA job this morning!! I have prepared for a career in medicine the past 10 years and never imagined being able to live so freely until stumbling upon your content. So grateful for the shift you brought to my life."


- Zara W


"It was my fiancé that sent me one of your TikTok videos to watch that started it all. I’ve been looking into becoming a VA for a while, but it wasn’t until you announced that you were launching your course that I really considered taking a course on it. I watched your Free Virtual Assistant Coaching Session, then talked it over with him and decided to invest in my potential career as a VA. It’s been a month since I completed your course and guess what… I landed my first client! There’s so much value, knowledge, and expertise in this course. There was one activity of yours that made me realize how much value I can provide as a VA, and I was honestly shocked when I went through all my work experience in the past years. Without a doubt, everyone can learn from this course. The tools, knowledge, and resources are there for you. You just need to commit and do the work. Thank you, Vivian, for putting this course together. No regrets with this purchase! And I’m looking forward to the day I land my 2nd and 3rd client!"


- Khrystyne C


"What I liked the most about these modules is that you are showing us some practical ways (through the use of examples) that we can set up our social media/branding, how the money and legal issues work as a freelancer, and how to use specific programs that will be especially helpful for our businesses. I also appreciated how the examples showed us exactly how we can learn a particular skill."


- Shriva P


The worst feeling in the world is looking back and wondering "what if?"

Remember that 2, 3, 4, 5+ years will pass by whether you start something new or not. So you can do nothing and make sure that nothing changes, or you could get out of your comfort zone and give yourself a chance at success.

The best time to start was yesterday, the second best time is today.


Your step-by-step guide to becoming a successful virtual assistant and online business manager.

Price: USD $2,597

Payment Plan

The VFA Bundle also offers a 6-month payment plan for those who need it.

Price: USD $444/month for 6 Months

When you enroll through the 6-month payment plan, the VFA Bundle lessons are released via drip over the course of 6-months. That means that the course content will be delivered gradually over that time. If you pay in full instead, all course content will be available immediately upon enrollment.

If you would like to enrol with the payment plan option on drip, click button below.


You have questions. I have answers.

Want to ask a question before enrolling? Send me a message and I'll personally answer!